Bringing IT and Marketing Together: Building Customer Relationships in the Digital Age

May 2023, by Karin Kobia, Marketing Manager
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Summary: In this article, Karin Kobia explores how aligning IT and marketing strategies helps businesses better understand customers, foster meaningful relationships across channels, and drive growth in the digital marketplace.


In today’s hyperconnected world, the link between technology and customer relationships has never been more critical. Marketing teams must integrate IT into their strategies to deliver personalized omnichannel experiences, build loyalty and promote products more effectively. Likewise, IT leaders need insight into customer needs to develop the right solutions. Bringing these functions into alignment is key to digital success.

This article I will explore how aligning IT and marketing strategies helps organizations better understand customers, foster meaningful relationships across channels, and drive business growth in the digital marketplace.

Insights from Your Biggest Ally: Data

Marketers depend on data to identify audience segments, discern customer needs, deliver targeted messaging and determine campaign effectiveness. Much of this data comes from IT systems and digital platforms.

By bringing IT into campaign planning, marketers gain valuable insights from customer analytics, sales systems, web traffic, online behaviors and more. IT provides the data foundation needed to:

  • Develop accurate customer personas for personalized outreach
  • Identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities based on purchase history
  • Deliver promotions matched to interests across channels
  • Gauge the ROI of campaigns to optimize spending

Likewise, by sharing their findings, marketers provide IT crucial visibility into which solutions best serve customers. Aligning around data helps both teams enhance relationships.

Omnichannel Engagement

Today’s consumers use myriad digital and offline channels, from email and social media to web, mobile and brick-and-mortar stores. Orchestrating seamless omnichannel experiences requires tight IT and marketing alignment.

IT underpins the platforms, apps and tools enabling outreach across channels. Marketing relies on IT to ensure consistent personalization, offer integrated shopping journeys and provide backend support. Ongoing collaboration and systems integration is essential.

Together, unified omnichannel strategies help forge emotional connections with customers, meeting them wherever they are. Aligning priorities across functions results in engagement that feels tailored, responsive and human.

Agility and Automation

In a digital marketplace, the ability to rapidly adapt to shifts in customer sentiment is critical. This requires both IT agility to swiftly deploy new solutions and marketing agility to adjust campaigns accordingly.

Automation and AI can help by detecting trends in customer data, personalizing engagement, and continually optimizing experiences. But to work well, these technologies require tight coordination between IT and marketing teams.

With shared roadmaps and integration, technology becomes an agile tool to enhance relationships, not a hindrance. Aligning priorities keeps organizations one step ahead.

Security as a Priority

Customers have little tolerance for breached data or compromised privacy. IT and marketing must jointly implement robust cybersecurity protections across channels while also communicating transparency to build trust.

IT teams leverage tools like encryption to safeguard customer data. Marketers convey how data is used to personalize experiences via opt-ins, privacy policies and visibility into settings.

With security as a shared priority, organizations demonstrate their commitment to protecting sensitive information, strengthening loyalty.

Results-Driven Culture

While IT and marketing have distinct roles, shared metrics and incentives help unite these functions around customer relationships and business growth.

Outcomes like customer lifetime value, retention and campaign ROI keep stakeholders focused on leveraging technology to develop meaningful connections. Celebrating joint wins fosters an environment of accountability.

With executive support for alignment, both teams can maximize their strengths while working collaboratively towards customer-centric goals.

The Path Forward

In today’s highly competitive, digitally driven business landscape, organizations can no longer afford siloed IT and marketing functions. Technology is now an integral part of how companies understand customers, interact across channels, deliver value and build relationships.

By strategically aligning priorities, collaborating on initiatives, and focusing on shared outcomes, IT and marketing leaders can capitalize on data, strengthen omnichannel experiences, drive growth and position their organization for digital success.

The future belongs to brands that use technology to forge genuine human connections at scale. With IT and marketing working in lockstep, that future starts now.